Toni Serra
VIDEO 7 minutos
soundtrack: Barbara Held.
1991 Brooklyn NYC
VIDEO 7 minutos
soundtrack: Barbara Held.
1991 Brooklyn NYC
Los Sures, Brooklyn New York. Un solitario predicador puertorriqueño: "demonio de la caspa: sal!, demonio del cancer: abandona este cuerpo!, santifica la buena madre, Padre bautiza con fuego, fuego, fuego!"
The Sures, Brooklyn New York. A solitary Puerto Rican preacher: "out vile demon! demon from hell abandon this body! Bless the good mother, Father baptise with fire, fire, fire!".
The Sures, Brooklyn New York. A solitary Puerto Rican preacher: "out vile demon! demon from hell abandon this body! Bless the good mother, Father baptise with fire, fire, fire!".