Toni Serra (* Abu Ali
Puertas de Castilla Art Center.
Exposición 15 Nuevas miradas al videoarte español: la imagen pensativa
January 2012. Murcia. Spain
Al Barzakh [in between the worlds] was projected over layers of veils … the screen opens and lets get into it .. into the vision, the vision of the world between the seen and unseen, between the real and the imaginary, between life and death …
Last Night Dhikr … last night Remembrance, last night contemplation was projected on water … as in the poem by Najmu ud.din Kubra (Persia S.XIII) in which he speaks of the descent into the well of the heart in search of Life …
Don’t go back to sleep.
You must ask for what you really want.
Don’t go back to sleep.
People are going back and forth across the doorsill
where the two worlds touch.
The door is round and open.
Don’t go back to sleep.
Al Barzaj [Entremundos] se proyectó sobre capas de velos … la pantalla se abre y permite entrar en ella .. entrar en la visión; la visión del mundo intermedio entre lo visible y lo invisible, entre lo real imaginario, entre la vida y la muerte …
Anoche Dhikr … el Recuerdo de ayer, la visión de ayer, se proyectó sobre agua … como en aquel poema de Najmu ud.din Kubra (Persia S. XIII) en el que habla del descenso al pozo del corazón en busca de la Vida …